Why are women afraid to get a haircut? part 2

Alongside those who visit the hairdresser once a week, there are also girls who have not touched hair since the age of 5. What is our part with long hair, and why are we so anxious from the day someone approaches it with scissors?

Similar to the wedding fantasy, long flowing hair is also a kind of bug in the system for every little girl. Something in this length, in abundance, in the hair that "reaches up to the tusk" helps us to feel much more feminine and desirable. Even today, when so many celebrities walk around with cropped and so chic hair, many women and men really do not feel it does it for them. It turns out that quite a few girls who have not had a haircut for years walk around among us, and they devoutly cultivate long, long hair that often becomes formless and characterless. So what's our story? Why are we so afraid to get a haircut?

A visit to the salon is scarier than a visit to the gynecologist
 When it comes to hair, we are clearly divided into two polar groups: those who are not afraid to make changes, and live the motto "it's just hair. It lengthens," and those who shudder at the mere thought of someone touching their head shifts.

"Many women treat hair as a reflection of their character," Vivian Diller, author of Face It: What Women Really Feel When Their Looks Change, tells Yahoo. "It's a very strong inner feeling. Women who lengthen their hair over time and do not touch it - obsessively connect to it. When it comes to a particularly long length, the thought of losing or shortening it becomes parallel to the feeling of losing an arm or leg."

One who might sympathize with this assertion is actress Gwyneth Paltrow, who shortened her handsome shifts and told in an interview with Allure magazine that the act of cutting was very difficult for her, as the long hair accompanied her when her father died of cancer and when her daughter was born. "For people like that," Diller adds, "hair shortening is like a loss of precious memory."

According to Diller, when it comes to an obsession that comes from a place of genuine fear and anxiety, it is important to address it. She suggests making an appointment with a hair stylist and starting from the premise that only the hair does not really reflect who you are. She also recommends making the change in baby steps, meaning each time making a different small change. "Once shorten in length, once rate or create a pony. These small steps will make the change more comfortable to digest."

Want to preserve the sexy look
 Hair stylist Roy Ben Shitrit, from the A-to-Z hairdressing chain, also sheds light on the phenomenon, and treats it from a more social and less psychological perspective. "Women are very attached to their long hair for several reasons. First, lush long hair always feels sexier. Second, there is a strong influence from the fashion world. After all, we never see a Victoria's Secret model with short hair. Long hair also gives a flowing look throughout the body. .


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